The Professional Bootstrap phpBB 3.2 Theme

Created With Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap is one of the most used framework out there! Its truly amazing. This phpBB3 theme is complete made for the latest and ingenious bootstrap version 3.3.7, there is no default phpBB style used!
Clean Code; 100%
This theme is build with clean code, so every line is well structured and indented. My try is to delete all the not needed code parts to make this theme faster and cleaner.

Ready For Bootswatch
Because this theme is optimized for Boostrap, it does also lovely work with any theme by Bootswatch or any other Bootstrap modification. If you notice some issues with any modification, let me know.
Includes Useful Enhancements
Nobody is perfect and therefore Bootstrap is it neither. Infect a huge community tries to create awesome extensions to make Bootstrap even better. And the best is included in ComBoot.

100% Valid Code
Every bit of code is html5 and css3 valid (at least the w3 validator is convinced about that)
Simple Theme Configuration
You can simply configure the theme to fit your needs. Weather boxed or full layout, WYSIWYG editor or standard editor, fixed or static navbars and so much more…
Latest Customer Reviews
I use it on my website and it's simply perfect.
Everything is designed in detail.

Awesome theme. So clean and pixel perfect. Please continue the work with such effort 🙂
Im using it for for 7 years old forum!
Excellent, everything about this is awesome. Easy to use, looks fantastic, and seriously makes your website flow with bootstrap really well.
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